the girl next door from another world

before there was memory, there was a mountain. inside it was filled with calculators, cellular phones, computers, televisions, cars, smart home devices, buildings, shopping malls, theme parks, stereos, blu-ray players, light, movement. now here i am.

emerged from the earth in an unknown location, on an unknown date in the late 20th century, destined to build entertainment with compassionate vision for a clean, mechanized world. the biggest system for popular entertainment ever made - movies, television, music. what a glorious time to be free.

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holly andy is a multimedia artist and live film director creating new forms of storytelling through interactive audiovisual art, media collage, and curation within digital space.

this can be seen at cable two - a public television network exploring the possibilities of live video. </body> is a website for experimental ms paint art and texts. intertitle is a visual film criticism website using images and sound to describe the same.

holly andy works in media and marketing for the public library.

this website is not under copyright and is fully public domain. feel free to take its content and make something new.